Congratulations to the newly elected ACS Chapter Officers who will be representing ACS at the MEA Executive Board. Welcome!
Sandra Bryce
MEA, ACS Chapter Director
Sandra Bryce, Senior Advisor for ACS Division for Youth and Family Justice (DYFJ). Sandra’s employment at ACS began in August 2014. After learning ACS did not have a chapter director for several years, Sandra stepped up to represent her agency in 2020 and again in 2022. Sandra hopes to increase MEA membership through direct appeal and outreach to her ACS colleagues.
Jamel Nedderman
MEA, ACS Assistant Chapter Director
Jamel Nedderman, Executive Director of AWOC Recovery and Crisis Intervention for ACS Division for Youth and Family Justice (DYFJ) Close to Home(CTH) program. Jamel’s employment at ACS began in July 2011 during the merger with Department of Juvenile Justice where he worked starting April 2000.