Your Chance To Be Heard On Saving Your Medicare!
New York City Council’s Committee on Civil Service and Labor will hold a hearing regarding Changes to Municipal Retiree’s Healthcare Plan on Thursday, October 28th at 1pm in the City Council Chambers located at City Hall, New York, New York.
This is our chance to publicly discuss our concerns with the City/MLC plan to convert our Medicare coverage to a Medicare Advantage plan.
Your attendance, even if you do not want to testify, is important to let the City Council, the media, and our fellow New Yorkers about how we feel.
Please be advised that the New York City Council’s Committee on Civil Service and Labor will hold a hearing on Thursday, October 28th at 1pm in the City Council Chambers located at City Hall, New York, New York, regarding Changes to Municipal Retiree’s Healthcare Plan. The hearing agenda is posted online here.
Witnesses will register to testify upon arrival in City Hall City Council Chambers. Please inform a Sergeant at Arms that you wish to testify, and they will have you complete a slip. Your name will be called when it is your turn to testify. You will have approximately two minutes to complete your testimony.
If you do not wish to testify in-person, you can provide written testimony up to 72 hours after the hearing takes place. You can submit written testimony to testimony @
As a reminder, please be advised that all individuals entering City Hall must adhere to the following COVID-19 safety protocols:
- Properly wear a face covering at all times while in City Hall.
- Maintain physical distancing of 6 feet from others at all times except when not feasible in limited circumstances; and
- Complete a screening questionnaire for COVID-19 infection, exposure, and symptoms prior to entering the building.
The entrances to the hearing and restrooms are fully accessible. For questions about accessibility or to request additional accommodations please contact Nicole Benjamin (NBenjamin @ or 212-482-5176) at least 72 hours before the hearing.