As America emerges from this global pandemic, we want to ensure that the public knows that the Wage and Hour Division is focused on protecting the workforce and supporting essential workers who continue to keep moving us forward. The Families First Coronavirus Response act, which required many employers to give many workers two weeks of paid sick leave for coronavirus-related reasons, expired 12/31/2020.
Many situations arising during COVID-19 are also covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act in which FMLA provides 12 weeks of unpaid job-protected leave to eligible workers to care for themselves or family members with serious health conditions. Please join the Wage and Hour Division in our presentation of the Family and Medical Leave Act under the Essential Workers/ Essential Protections Initiative.
Manuel J. Garcia is a Senior Wage and Hour Investigator and current Community Outreach and Resource Planning Specialist for the New York City District Office. He is tasked with providing outreach to the stakeholders of various industries including employers and employees from a regulations standpoint. Manuel J. Garcia has even provided training to numerous other government agencies in the City and State of New York and the Federal Government while also being a continuous source of guidance for these agencies. As an investigator he has led investigations into alleged violations of the Family and Medical Leave Act with government agencies and contractors, as well as mentored new investigators in the proper application of the act. Manuel J. Garcia is dedicated to providing useful information in a clear and concise manner in order to achieve compliance with the regulations for all stakeholders.