MEA DCAS Chapter Meeting & Election

You’re Invited! Calling all DCAS Managerial and Original Jurisdiction employees.

MEA DCAS Chapter is having a meeting and chapter elections on Tuesday, October 29 at 6:00pm.

You will have an opportunity to meet fellow MEA DCAS Chapter members and hear the latest updates. Do you know someone who is interested in becoming a member – just forward the invite so they can register!

Are you interested in running for the Chapter Leadership roles? There are 3 positions available: Chapter Director, Assistant Chapter Director, and Recording Secretary. If you are interested, contact the MEA office at info [@] for more information.

  • Chapter Director: preside over regular and special meetings, shall appoint committees, and serve as the MEA Executive Board representative.
  • Assistant Chapter Director: serve in absence of Chapter Director.
  • Recording Secretary: provide written communication and minutes from chapter meetings.


  • Attend monthly MEA Executive Board meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
  • Meetings are held via Zoom at 6pm (1 – 1.5 hours).
  • Share info from the MEA Executive Board meeting to your chapter.
  • Update the MEA Executive Board with chapter concerns, promotions/announcements, etc.
  • Host chapter meetings (at least 1 per year).
  • Recruit new members.

Location: Virtual meeting

We look forward to seeing you!

Alice Wong, Executive Director
Matt Conley, Member Services Representative

Tina Ramsey, DCAS Chapter Director
vacant, DCAS Assistant Chapter Director
vacant, DCAS Recording Secretary