MEA NYCHA Chapter Meeting & Election

You’re Invited! Calling all NYCHA Managerial and Original Jurisdiction employees.

MEA NYCHA Chapter is having a meeting and chapter elections on Thursday, November 7 at 6:00pm.

You will have an opportunity to meet fellow MEA NYCHA Chapter members and hear the latest updates. Do you know someone who is interested in becoming a member – just forward the invite so they can register!

Are you interested in running for the Chapter Leadership roles? There are 3 positions available: Chapter Director, Assistant Chapter Director, and Recording Secretary. If you are interested, contact the MEA office at info [@] for more information.

  • Chapter Director: preside over regular and special meetings, shall appoint committees, and serve as the MEA Executive Board representative.
  • Assistant Chapter Director: serve in absence of Chapter Director.
  • Recording Secretary: provide written communication and minutes from chapter meetings.


  • Attend monthly MEA Executive Board meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
  • Meetings are held via Zoom at 6pm (1 – 1.5 hours).
  • Share info from the MEA Executive Board meeting to your chapter.
  • Update the MEA Executive Board with chapter concerns, promotions/announcements, etc.
  • Host chapter meetings (at least 1 per year).
  • Recruit new members.

Location: Virtual meeting

We look forward to seeing you!

Alice Wong, Executive Director
Matt Conley, Member Services Representative

Joe D’Amato, Acting NYCHA Chapter Director
LaToya Ramseur-Deliotte, Acting NYCHA Assistant Chapter Director
vacant, NYCHA Recording Secretary