MEA is delighted to announce the formation of a new chapter: DISTRICT ATTORNEY
Congratulations! We are delighted to welcome Meiling Viera-Delgado, Deborah Seidenberg, and Theresa Yuan to the MEA Executive Board as representatives for the District Attorney Chapter.
If you are interested in running for one of the leadership positions – Chapter Director, Assistant Chapter Director, and Recording Secretary – be sure to contact the office. This is a great opportunity to get involved in the fight to protect your rights! Spread the word about membership to any of your colleagues who are not members, for we are stronger in numbers.

Meiling Viera-Delgado
Coordinator of Special Projects
Office of the District Attorney, Bronx County
City service: 9 years
Meiling Viera-Delgado is the Special Projects Coordinator at the Office of the Bronx District Attorney. As the Special Projects Coordinator, she tackles a variety of projects from briefings for the District Attorney to overseeing summer interns. Previously, she served as the Community Engagement Chief at the Bronx District Attorney’s Office, where she oversaw the Deputy Chief, a Director, and eight Community Engagement Coordinators; internal volunteer opportunities; Gun Buy Backs; Another Chance; Saturday Night Lights; Community Resource Fairs; and Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark’s Town Halls. She also liaised with Bronx constituents, civic organizations, community based organizations, businesses, clergy, and elected officials within the 14 Bronx precincts (local and PSAs) and 12 Community Boards of the borough. She began her work at the Bronx County District Attorney’s Office (BXDA) in 2016 as the Director of Community Affairs. Before arriving at the Bronx District Attorney’s Office, Meiling worked as the Community Liaison to the Bronx for the Office of External Affairs at New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH). Her primary role was to assist the DOHMH to build and maintain good relationships with elected officials, community boards, civic associations, and residents. Her responsibilities included organizing speakers for community events/town halls, problem-solving, disseminating information on DOHMH initiatives, providing workshops, etc. Most importantly, Meiling was charged with participating in emergency preparedness and response related to any major health concerns, such as Ebola, Zika and Legionnaires, or other communicable diseases. With only a few short months on the job, Meiling demonstrated why the Bronx is not only the borough where she grew up but a place she cares deeply about, through her work responding to the Legionnaires outbreak in the South Bronx, where she received New York City’s Distinguished Service Award. Meiling was committed and performed her job duties with professionalism and a sense of calm during a time of high anxiety in the borough. No matter the time of day–weekday or weekend–Meiling worked diligently and wholeheartedly to keep elected officials, community members, and residents updated with the necessary health-related information. Today, Meiling continues to bring the same upbeat drive and dedication to her work at the Bronx District Attorney’s Office, which not only helps strengthen relationships in the Bronx, but it also benefits all Bronx residents to have an advocate on their side, working to make sure they have all the available information they need. Meiling earned her Graduate Degree in Public Administration from the City College of New York, and an Undergraduate Degree in Social Sciences from the College of New Rochelle.

Deborah Seidenberg
MEA District Attorney, Assistance Chapter Director
Senior Assistance District Attorney, Bronx District Attorney’s Office
Deborah Seidenberg is a long time NYC Manager, having worked for various Agencies of the City for more than 30 years. Deborah began her career in the 1980s, right out of law school, when she worked as an Assistant District Attorney in Bronx County for 9.5 years. Thereafter, Deborah was in the private practice of law for about 5 years before she returned to City service as An Assistant Corporation Counsel in 1997. Deborah worked for the Corporation Counsel, becoming Chief of the citywide Family Court Division, before leaving the office in 2006. Deborah spent 5 years working outside City government as a Financial Advisor for Merrill Lynch before returning to City service with the NYC Comptroller’s Office in 2011. In 2013, Deborah moved to the NYC School Construction Authority as the Senior Director of Labor Law Compliance. After 10 years at the SCA, Deborah returned to her first job out of law school, the Bronx District Attorney’s Office where she now serves as the Senior Assistance District Attorney for the Construction Fraud Prosecution Initiative. Deborah is well versed in financial issues, knowledgeable about NYSERS, and is up to date on other important financial and retirement issues affecting NYC Managers.

Theresa Yuan
MEA District Attorney, Recording Secretary
Assistant District Attorney, Queens District Attorney’s Office
City Service: 2.5 years
Theresa is an Assistant District Attorney in the Queens Special Prosecutions Division. She specializes in domestic violence felonies. She works closely with victims, their families, domestic violence officers, and social workers to secure peaceful homes for families. She previously worked in the Appeals Bureau, where she argued three cases before the Second Department, resulting in the appellate division upholding each conviction. Before she was an attorney, Theresa led Judge Richard Posner’s research team in Chicago, where she handled post-conviction appeals. In her free time, she writes science fiction and walks dogs.