DCAS represents City agencies with respect to claims for Unemployment Insurance (UI) by former employees. DCAS verifies UI claims made by former employees; provides the New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) with information and documentation of the reasons that employees have separated from employment; and monitors and protests UI benefits paid on the City’s account.
The onset of the pandemic has brought a surge in UI claims, and an unfortunate increase in fraudulent claims. The fraudulent claims include identity-related fraud — where the perpetrator applies for UI benefits using stolen or fake identification information.
- If you or an agency employee receive a letter from NYSDOL about UI benefits for which you have not filed, you may be a victim of UI fraud.
- Employees should report suspected UI fraud to:
- The DCAS UI unit at,
- The New York City Department of Investigation (DOI) point of contact Deputy Inspector General David Jordan at, and
- The NYSDOL by completing a UI fraud form available on the NYSDOL website at
We take UI fraud very seriously and advise the affected individual(s) to follow the FTC guidelines as it pertains to identity theft ( along with swiftly reaching out to the credit bureaus to put a fraud alert in place. These actions will help to mitigate any potential damage as a result of the fraudulent activity.