What is a Chapter?

Ever wondered how a MEA Chapter is formed? MEA is represented across all NYC Agencies and structured as an Association with Chapter Representatives.

How is a chapter formed?

  • MEA bylaws mandate of least 20 members from the same agency – when that number is met, a chapter is formed.
  • There are 3 leadership positions available to represent each chapter: Chapter Director, Assistant Chapter Director, and Recording Secretary.

Which MEA Chapter do I belong to?

  • When you join the MEA – your information is confirmed via your payroll deduction (FISA OPA or Authority).
  • City Agencies : If Jane Doe works for DEP and payroll deduction from FISA OPA confirms her DEP agency status, then Jane Doe belongs to the DEP Chapter.
  • Authorities: If John Doe works for H+H and payroll deduction from H+H confirms his status, then John Doe belongs to the H+H Chapter.

What if my agency doesn’t have more than 20 members?

  • For agencies where the managerial head count of MEA membership is below 20, those agencies belong to the Municipal Chapter.
  • When membership within an agency reaches the bylaws mandate, that agency moves out of the Municipal Chapter to be recognized with a stand-alone Chapter.

What are the current Chapters?
Meet your chapter representatives, visit the MEA directory here.

Administration for Children’s Services (ACS)
Department of Buildings (DOB)
Department of City-Wide Administrative Services (DCAS)
Comptroller’s Office
Community Boards
Design & Construction (DDC)
Department of Correction (DOC)
Department of Education (DOE)
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
Department of Finance (DOF)
Department of Investigations (DOI)
Department of Parks and Recreation (PARKS)
Department of Probation (DOP)
Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD)
District Attorney (DA)
Fire Department of New York (FDNY)
Financial Information Service Administration (FISA)
Health + Hospitals (H+H)
Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)
Homeless Service (DHS)
Housing Authority (NYCHA)
Housing Preservation & Development (HPD)
Human Resources Administration (HRA)
Office of Technology & Innovation (OTI)
Pension Systems
Police Department (NYPD)
Sanitation (DSNY)
School Construction Authority (SCA)
Transportation (DOT)

Our goal is for membership growth – so that each agency has their own singular MEA Chapter. We encourage Managers to recruit new members.

We are stronger in numbers.