The MEA is a professional membership association dedicated to protecting and enhancing the civil service and other rights of public employees who are not eligible for collective bargaining under state and/or local law. Our membership extends to every city agency and municipality within the five boroughs of New York.
The MEA talks directly with the City and public employers for critical benefits such as our members’ pension rights, their right to redress of grievances, their right to adequate compensation, and other rights and benefits that will improve working conditions and help recruit and retain the best-qualified people in municipal management positions.
MEA membership is open to managerial employees of both the City of New York and other public employers located within the City. Enrollment is voluntary and the benefits are extensive, stretching even into retirement.
The MEA was founded in the summer of 1968 in reaction to the passage of New York State’s Taylor Law and the implementation of the City’s Management Pay Plan, both of which hampered managers’ power to bargain with the City for compensation and benefits. Since our founding, our primary purpose has been to provide superior advocacy services and support to all of our members. With chapters forming in virtually every agency, the MEA soon became an advocacy association where managers could be heard and represented. Working with the City during the troubled days of the 70s and early 80s, the MEA evolved into a powerful voice for City managers. As the City recovered its prosperity, the MEA made sure the City’s management employees received benefit and salary increases.
By the 90s, MEA leadership had recruited enough new members to grow into a significant labor organization. Our increased membership numbers let us offer our members medical benefits, including eyeglasses and hearing aids, and even dental benefits. In the early 2000s, we added financial and pension counseling and legal consultations. Over the years, the MEA has become a strong advocate for members and non-members alike as well as a source of information on manager benefits, compensation, workplace rights, and other related issues. The NYC MEA will continue to be a catalyst for promoting public and agency policies that effect positive economic and social change for managerial employees.
MEA’s Career Development Program provides scholarships and training to enhance the career development of managerial employees in agencies throughout the City. The CDP will help managers improve their skills and knowledge in their current position, with an eye toward potential career advancement. In addition to scholarship and tuition reimbursement, the CDP provides presentations, workshops and seminars on member-requested training. Past CDP workshops have included, issues relating to women’s issues in the work place, handling pay equity, cultural diversity, conflict resolution, time management, effective writing and communication, and development of presentation skills. This program will promote capable leaders who can make sound management and governance decisions that will improve the quality of life for all New Yorkers.
Alice Wong
Executive Director, NYC MEA
Growing up globetrotting the world at an early age, with the appreciation the world is bigger and much more interesting, Alice moved to New York City, where she began a successful career in International Business. In her role as Executive Director of MEA, she will lead organizational operations, with responsibility for the expansion of MEA into the future. She intuitively sees the threads of opportunity within an organization to leverage her unique perspective into effective problem solving, improved financial oversight, and program success. Alice holds an E.MBA from Fordham University and a Graduate Certificate in communications from New York University. She resides in New York City and enjoys scuba diving, culinary adventures, and traveling.
Bill Dworkin
President Emeritus
During Bill’s four terms as President, from 1994 to 2002, he championed and MEA won the Yourman v. Dinkins lawsuit, which resulted in payments of thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars. The MEA was placed on a transparent business basis with financial accountability to the membership while he was president. Bill successfully advocated for significant changes in payment for time and leave at retirement. This continues to result in thousands of dollars difference in separation pay. Bill has been a member of the MEA executive board for 30 years. He has served the membership as Human Resources Administration chapter director, NYC MEA executive vice president and chair of numerous committees. Bill served in increasingly more responsible positions in his thirty year career in HRA, including Income Support Center Director, and Director of Income Support: AIDS Services. Bill retired as Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Fair Hearings and Compliance. Bill and his wife Mary live with their two dogs in North Carolina, very close to their three grandchildren.
Stu Eber
President Emeritus
Stu Eber served as President from 2010 to 2017 and stepped down as President in December 2017. He joins William Dworkin as a President Emeritus on the MEA Executive Board. Stu was elected President of the NYC Managerial Employees Association (NYC MEA) in January 2010 and was reelected in 2012 and 2015. He worked in conjunction with the Executive Board and the MEA Executive Director to provide the leadership needed for continued organizational growth. The Membership Report from 2010-2017 shows that, with Stu’s leadership, MEA recruited over 3,000 new members. For more than 30 years, Stu developed and delivered income support services to thousands of New Yorkers in his capacity as a Human Resources Administration employee. He retired in 2004 after serving as a Deputy Commissioner and then became more active in the MEA. Prior to his election as MEA President, Stu functioned as Chapter Director of the MEA Retirees Chapter and Chair of the Technology and Publicity Committees. He was primarily responsible for the enhancements to the website, newsletter, and membership database. Stu is a graduate of the State University of New York at Stony Brook with a BA in Political Science. He is a long-time resident of the Bronx, New York. He has two sons, three grandsons, and one granddaughter.
Shelly Shulman
President Emeritus
Serving as both the previous President and Vice President of MEA, Shelly has been a member of MEA for over 3 decades. Shelly became an employee in the New York City Health & Hospitals Corporation at Elmhurst Hospital Center in 1980 as a Hospital Care Investigator (a member of SSEU Local 371), then as a Senior Hospital Care Investigator. From 1990 until his retirement in 2017, Shelly held a series of managerial positions, mostly in the finance area. Shelly also served on the MEA’s Legislative, Strategic Planning, and Bylaws Committees. Shelly is a music aficionado. His method for relaxing and having a great time is to “jam” playing the guitar with fellow enthusiasts. He is also a “Deadhead” attending “too many to count” concerts by the Grateful Dead and similar groups. To keep in shape, he plays basketball. Shelly is married and has three sons in their twenties.
Alice Wong
Executive Director
Cynthia Ross
Erin Jordan
Office Manager
Jay Warshofsky
Pension Counseling
Leon Xu
Marketing Development Coordinator
Matt Conley
Member Services Representative
Stuart Salles
Legal Counsel
Administration for Children’s Services (ACS)
Department of Buildings (DOB)
Department of City-Wide Administrative Services (DCAS)
Comptroller’s Office
Community Boards
Design & Construction (DDC)
Department of Correction (DOC)
Department of Education (DOE)
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
Department of Finance (DOF)
Department of Investigations (DOI)
Department of Parks and Recreation (PARKS)
Department of Probation (DOP)
Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD)
District Attorney (DA)
Fire Department of New York (FDNY)
Financial Information Service Administration (FISA)
Health + Hospitals (H+H)
Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)
Homeless Service (DHS)
Housing Authority (NYCHA)
Housing Preservation & Development (HPD)
Human Resources Administration (HRA)
Tobias E. Zimmermanan
Acting Assistance Chapter Director