Citywide Training Center – Fall 2019 Course Catalog – Released

Citywide Training Center – Fall 2019 Course Catalog

The NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services, Citywide Training Center (CTC) has released its Fall 2019 Course Catalog, It offers a wide variety of specialized training courses to New York City Employees.

CTC’s training courses present a broad range of development and office skills enhancement opportunities. The course offerings are linked to the core competencies necessary to manage within our public sector environment and include navigating within the civil service framework.

Please review the attached 2019 Fall Course Catalog and use the attached form to register for any course that will enhance your current professional skillset. Courses selected must be relevant to your current office position.

Once you have completed the attached form and secured approval following your bureau approval process, return the completed form to me as soon as possible. All courses (generally 9:00 – 5:00) will be held at the CTC facility at One Centre Street, 24th Floor, South Side Entrance.

Completed forms will be forwarded to CTC. Once we receive course confirmations, they will be forwarded to you. You must have a confirmation in order to attend any training course. If you have received a confirmation and find that you cannot attend a course for any reason, you must notify us immediately. We must notify CTC in writing at least seven (7) business days prior to the start of the confirmed class.

CTC Fall 2019 Course CatalogCTC Fall 2019 ScheduleCTC Application Form