“Special Contract Public Hearing
Office of Labor Relations
Aetna Life Insurance Company”
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
10:00 am
Conference Call
“Health care is one of the most sacred and indispensable necessities required to sustain our lives. Therefore, the quality of health care insurance and the performance of the insurer are of the utmost importance.” ~NYCMEA
The New York City Managerial Employees Association (NYCMEA) continues to strongly oppose the City of New York and the Municipal Labor Committee’s decision to involuntarily transfer retirees and their dependents from Traditional Medicare and GHI Senior Care health insurance plans to Aetna Insurance Company’s for-profit and inferior Medicare Advantage Plan.
Municipal retirees should not be “sold-off” like livestock to a for-profit private insurance entity with an inferior Medicare Advantage Plan in order for the City to relieve itself from its legal and financial obligations. Based on many decades of dedicated civil service to New York City and its residents, municipal retirees have earned and deserve much better treatment and respect.
NYCMEA stands firm against the proposed Aetna Life Insurance Company Plan. We request that OLR reviews the alternative solutions proposed by subject matter experts during previous City Council hearings.
Respectfully submitted,
Darrell L. Sims Alice Wong
President Executive Director