Looking for something fun and educational to do this summer?
The Parks department offers a number of free activities for kids, and adults will love too. Everyone can cool down in one of the City’s public pools, get active with a Summer Sports Experience, watch a movie under the stars, or get out there and play with Kids in Motion.
Just because school’s out, it doesn’t mean that learning is over! The Department of Education, in partnership with the Department of Youth and Community Development, sponsors Summer Rising, an academic and enrichment program for students in grades K-8. There are still some seats left, but act fast!
Find the perfect beach read at one of the many branches of the New York Public Library! In addition to helpful staff with recommendations for every type of reader and seemingly endless resources for research and continuous learning, the library offers events and programs throughout the summer. Teen programs range from art classes to movie screenings to resume-building workshops. Younger kids can participate in “Summer Cruise” events, which focus on exploring and protecting our environment.
For more ideas of things to do around the city this summer, check out the links below:
Bryant Park
Coney Island
Hudson Classical Theater
Lincoln Center
Naumburg Orchestral Concerts
New York Classical Theater
Snug Harbor
South Street Seaport
Washington Square Music Festival
MEA encourages all New Yorkers to take advantage of these free summer programs!